Joyce Lam

Born in Hong Kong, Joyce graduated with a Bachelor degree in Japanese and Economics from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. Continuing her interest in Japanese culture, she relocated to Japan to pursue her postgraduate research on local art festivals at Keio University SFC.

After working at Ito Juku, a non-profit organisation directed by Toyo Ito that plans and runs workshops, events and exhibitions on architecture with a focus on community development projects on Omishima, she was director at Gutenberg Orchestra with responsibilities as an editor for United Vagabonds, an art book publishing collective in Tokyo.

She recently graduated from the Department of New Media, Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts in March 2022.

With a multicultural background together with working experiences in different fields, Joyce is interested in ways to explore the ideas about the sense of home, memory and identity through documentary films and interdisciplinary media practices. Her new work explores the definition of family and the relationship between family and nation, based on extensive research on the history of travelling in Japan and Japanese mythology.


香港生まれ。映像作品やレクチャーパフォーマンス、書籍の制作を通して「家族」の定義を捉え直す。国や組織が作る複数の家系図を用いた《家族に関する考察のトリロジー》を、TOKAS-Emerging 2022の個展として発表(トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷、2022年)、および横浜国際舞台芸術ミーティング(YPAM)フリンジ2021にて自宅で上演。主な展覧会は「あなたが眠りにつくところ」(藤沢市アートスペース、2023)、「Doors of Learning: Microcosms of a Future South Africa」(Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, 2023)など。





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joycetsin (@)

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Collaboration project with Moé Suzuki
HOME IS_____